[The following letter was presented during worship and distributed to those present to share the ideas and next steps in our church discernment. We invite all feedback and comments!]
Dear Members, Adherents, Friends and Supporters of Appin and Trinity United:
For many months, years even, our two congregations have been wondering how they might continue to exist, and even thrive. The respective Visioning Committees and Sessions met and worked throughout the past year and, as it turns out, have been travelling parallel courses – wondering many of the same things and having many of the same ideas.
You are likely tired of hearing about change, wondering what will happen, and may be frustrated or frightened by all of the uncertainty. After a combined meeting of both Session committees earlier this month, we are recommending a plan of action: that, pending results of a financial study, the two congregations of Appin and Trinity join together into one, while keeping both buildings.
Essentially, the two congregations would become one church that has two locations. As you can imagine, many details would need to be sorted out; for example, Sunday worship might rotate from one building to the other on a monthly basis. Right now, it is on the principle of uniting the two congregations that we seek your input, feedback and suggestions. No drastic changes with regard to selling buildings or movement to new sites are part of this plan. A merger would relieve the time and energy costs on our leaders and members as we cooperate with each other more fully.
We emphasize that this is an intermediate step into our future. At some point, we have to know what our neighbouring United Churches in the Southwest Middlesex region might do, if they would be interested in future collaboration with us. In the meantime, our uniting would demonstrate to our wider church governance and local communities that we are serious about making changes that position us well for new opportunities.
There will be congregational meetings in the fall to address the matter formally with a hope to begin this new relationship January 1, 2011. In the meantime, please give us your comments and concerns! Contact any of us, listed below, with your opinions and ideas [submit them as Comments to this webpost].
Yours in Christ’s mission and ministry,
the Clerks of Session and Minister of Appin & Trinity United Church