Witness through Awareness
"Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?" (Luke 24:18)
Growing in faith is a complex journey. Many people in our world today lead busy lives and have lots of pressures and responsibilities. It is easy to miss God’s revealing love to us in our everyday life and experiences. The more pressure and activity we surround ourselves with, then the greater the possibility of overlooking what is in fact before our very eyes. Like the two disciples in the gospel, we sometimes think we know what is real, and try to explain our view to others, yet we are not aware of the full truth. In our world today we are invited to be aware of God in the surprising and unlikely events of life.
During this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we seek to be aware of God in our everyday events and experiences. We meet people who are familiar and others who are strangers. In these encounters we learn from each other’s spiritual experiences and so get a new view of God’s reality. This awareness of God’s presence challenges us to work for Christian unity.
Lord Jesus, Good Shepherd, You encounter us and remain with us in everyday life. We pray for the grace to be aware of all you do for us. We ask that you prepare us to be open to all you offer us and bring us together in one flock.
Reflection questions
- When have you been aware of God’s presence in your life?
- Are you aware of global celebrations and tragedies, and how might our churches together respond to these?
- Is being aware enough, or is there something more that you might do in order to give witness to your faith?
- How do you make yourself aware of God when the reality of God’s presence does not correspond to your expectations?